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Rhode Island Fire Loss and Fire Department Profile

This page presents a snapshot of Rhode Island fire losses reported through the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) in 2022.

Also included is information about Rhode Island fire departments and firefighter and home fire fatalities in 2025.

Fire departments currently registered with the National Fire Department Registry.
Fire departments reported NFIRS data in 2022.

NFIRS data (2022)

All fire casualties

per 1,000 fires

In 2022, the national average was 2.1 deaths and 6.4 injuries per 1,000 fires.

Residential structure fire casualties

per 1,000 fires

In 2022, the national average was 6.1 deaths and 19.8 injuries per 1,000 fires.

Fires casualties by general incident type

Incident type% of deathsNational average% of injuriesNational averageFirefighter % of injuriesNational average

* Structures include residential and nonresidential buildings.

Incident types

Rhode Island

National average

Fire departments (2025)

Source: National Fire Department Registry

Fire department types

Percentage of fire departments registered with the registry by department type.

VolunteerMostly volunteerMostly careerCareer
Rhode Island%%%%
National average%%%%

Fire department specialized services

Percentage of fire departments registered with the registry that provided specialized services.

%Advanced Life Support
%Basic Life Support
%Departmental (in-house) training academy
%Emergency medical services (EMS) ambulance transport
%EMS nontransport response
%Fire/Injury prevention/Public education
%Fire inspection/Code enforcement
%Fire investigation/Fire cause determination
%Hazardous materials team
%Juvenile firesetter intervention program
%Technical/Specialized rescue
%Vehicle extrication
%Wildfire/Wildland Urban Interface