U.S. Fire Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell welcomes local fire service personnel to the summit.

National fire service leaders provide testimony to federal leadership on critical issues facing the fire service at the national roundtable.

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas addresses the national roundtable.

DHS Deputy Secretary John Tien and FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell listen to testimony from national fire service leaders.

International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) General President Edward Kelly speaks with Dr. Moore-Merrell at the national roundtable. Mr. Kelly provided testimony on the impact of occupational cancer.

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation representative Ernie Mitchell and National Fire Protection Association President and CEO James Pauley at the national roundtable. Chief Mitchell provided testimony on the impact of behavioral health and elevation of the fire service in federal policy development. Mr. Pauley testified about the impact of codes and standards.

Chief Donna Black (International Association of Fire Chiefs), Chief Kevin Quinn (National Volunteer Fire Council) and Edward Kelly (IAFF) converse at the national roundtable. Chief Black provided testimony on the impact of climate change on the fire service. Chief Quinn discussed creation of a fire service apprenticeship program.

National roundtable participants gather at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial for a moment of silence.

FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, Fire Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell and DHS Deputy Secretary John Tien.

Philadelphia Fire Commissioner Adam Thiel addresses the State of Science audience. Commissioner Thiel presented on the Fairmount Fire that killed 12 people in Philadelphia on Jan. 5, 2022.

Presidents Truman and Nixon issued landmark reports on the nation's fire problem during their administrations. The “America Burning” report, released in 1973, set the stage for national awareness about the equal need for both fire prevention and fire suppression.

Fire service personnel from the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia were invited to attend the summit and hear testimony from national fire service leaders.

Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell greets fire investigation personnel and their accelerant detection canines before the start of the summit.

President Biden addressed the summit to thank our nation's fire and emergency medical services providers for the work they do to keep our communities safe from fire and other emergencies.

Dr. Sara Jahnke presents on cancer research targeting women firefighters at the State of Science.

Summit participants and presenters gather at the conclusion of the summit for a group photo.

A State of Science audience member reviews the summit agenda.

Sparky was on hand to promote the fire escape plan theme for National Fire Prevention Week.

Executive Director of the Congressional Fire Services Institute Bill Webb (left) with former U.S. Fire Administrator Ernie Mitchell.

Fire Administrator Dr. Lori Moore-Merrell and NFPA President and CEO James Pauley.