Thank you for choosing to submit your work to the USFA for use in our training and outreach efforts. These uses can include instructional materials, campus displays, publications, website and social media, and other visual presentations.
Although we can't pay you for your work, please know that the photos you send us for consideration will help in our work to create a fire-safe America.
Acceptable themes
Please ensure photos meet the following themes:
- Community risk reduction.
- Diversity.
- EMS.
- Emergency response, including structural, forest/wildland urban interface and maritime firefighting.
- Fire prevention.
- Inspection.
- Leadership.
- Rescue and extrication.
- Research.
- Technology and equipment.
- Training.

Photos from National Fire Academy students sharing their on-campus training experience are also welcome!
Please do not include photos that illustrate unsafe behaviors, close-up EMS care or sponsorship of fire equipment.
Photo requirements
The minimum requirement is that you take a photo with your smart phone (or digital camera) in landscape orientation and send it to us at the largest setting. Color photos are preferred. Please remove any personal or professional watermarks before sending your photo.
How to submit a photo
First, please read and understand the following terms and conditions of your submission before sending us your photo. Submitting your photo to USFA through the email link below constitutes your agreement to the following:
By submitting my image, I certify that I own all rights to this image, and I grant permission to USFA to use, display, distribute and create derivative works of this image for use in print and online, including social media.
Email us your photo(s) by selecting the button below. Please include your name and the best way for us to contact you, if not by email. If we decide to use your photo(s), we may be back in touch to get more information.
Thank you!