In-Suit Communications Evaluation Video
Posted: May 18, 2023
- 1 min read
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The results of a project evaluating in-suit communications (ISC) equipment for emergency responders are available in a 6-minute video from the Department of Homeland Security's Science and Technology Directorate (S&T). The video presents an overview of the criteria used to evaluate the equipment, steps used by responders for testing, and which devices were most highly rated by responders and why.
ISC equipment is a category of devices that allow for easier use of push-to-talk tactical radios for responders under fully encapsulated personal protective equipment. ISC can be used with a self-contained breathing apparatus, air purifying respirator (APR), or powered APR.
To learn more about this project and to access associated reports, visit S&T’s In-Suit Communication Equipment page.
This article is based on content in the
May 18, 2023 InfoGram.